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Joe D'Angelo

Computer Repair and Operating System Specialist

A+ Certified Service Technician. Specializing in DOS (all versions), Windows (all versions) and Linux Enterprise Desktops (all architectures) Including installation, setup, configuration and support for: openSUSE; Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop; Ubuntu; Fedora; Debain; Mint; FreeBSD; Red Hat Enterprise Desktop; Slackware Linux Project; Linux From Scratch; Knoppix; And Many Other Unix / Linux Based Operating Systems, including Mac OS, Solaris and OpenSolaris.

I can even help you with OS/2. Years after IBM's decision to stop all support of this OS it is still in use today. Cretin restriction, limitations and special rates may apply for OS/2 support.

And Now! Data recovery (ALL File Systems) and advanced virus cleaning.

(more quotes)

  • "The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim."
    - Edsger W. Dijkstra
  • "There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who know binary and those who don't."
    - Unkown

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